Sunday, 14 January 2007

Blog Plans

Ok- Hello! Just going to see how this looks on my blog. Despite working for an Internet company I have no idea how these things work-hoping to learn as I go along- so apologies for any boring bits early on...

I hope this blog will be a giant collection of everything and anything Moomin- featuring anything else that I may find interesting (guess that's why I added the 'and Things' to the title).

Maybe it will turn out more like a diary- though I might wait until I get Internet at home before I do that- I am writing this at my boyfriends.

Yes- so there it is a muddled plan of 'what to do'! Main thing I need to learn is how to get pictures on my blog- guess you'll know when I succeed.
Anyway going to start with Moomins and see where it leads me...

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