I was so cold at Disney's Magic Kingdom I had to buy myself a big Mickey Mouse hoody. I filled the pouch with tissues burying myself under it and a pair of sunglasses for the rest of the holiday- very sexy!
Had a great time overall got a sun tan, saw Cinderella's House, had some good food and discovered how great kaluki is (thanks to my bf and his two sons). I kept my eyes open for anything Moomin (even tried toy shops)- but could not find anything! Maybe Moomin Mania has not yet hit the US... yet. This was my first trip to America so there was lots to see.
I had to buy all my chums Hello Kitty stuff instead! Will get on with my blog now I'm back. Most of my energy is going into worrying about Wednesday when I'm having a brace fitted to my teeth- no it's nothing to do with Ugly Betty (though I'm sure that will be my new nickname at work!).